3rd Severo Ochoa Conference: «Epigenetics, aging and cancer»

(Severo Ochoa Conferences)
The SEBBM, in collaboration with the Carmen and Severo Ochoa Foundation, launch the Severo Ochoa Conferences, which will deal monographically with research topics on the frontier of knowledge and will be coordinated by leading people in these fields.
Datos del evento
Fecha: 26/06/2025 27/06/2025
Lugar: Laboral Ciudad de la Cultura
C/ Luis Moya Blanco 261, Periurbano - Rural, 33203 Gijón (Spain)
Precio: €175 (SEBBM members) / €200 (non-members) / €300 (companies)

We are excited to announce the Third Severo Ochoa Conference with the theme «Epigenetics, aging and cancer» The conference will take place on June 26th and 27th, 2025, at the Laboral Ciudad de la Cultura in Gijón. This event is organized by the SEBBM in collaboration with the Fundación Carmen y Severo Ochoa.

We have a fantastic lineup of confirmed invited speakers, including: Steve Horvath (UCLA, Altos Labs), Sara Haag (Karolinska Institutet), Andrew Teschendorff (Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health), Maria Blasco (CNIO), Iñaki Martin-Subero (Hospital Clinic Barcelona), Christophe Bock (Medical University of Vienna) and Manel Esteller (Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute). There is space available for selected speakers in the program. Additionally, we will have poster sessions, and a subset of posters will be chosen for short talks.

Registration will remain open until April 30th, with a limited number of spots available. SEBBM members will enjoy a reduced registration fee.

Local organizers:
Mario F. Fraga (CINN-CSIC, IUOPA, ISPA), Ana Gutierrez (University of Oviedo, IUOPA, ISPA), Agustín F. Fdez. (CINN-CSIC, IUOPA, ISPA)

Scientific committee:
Xose Puente (University of Oviedo, IUOPA, ISPA), Ramón Tejedor (CINN-CSIC, IUOPA, ISPA), Jose María Pérez Freije (University of Oviedo, IUOPA, ISPA).

Enlaces de interés:

Registration for the 3rd Severo Ochoa conference

To register you must complete the online registration form and make a transfer, with the data indicated in section 2.

Abstract Submission deadline: April 30th

Registration deadline: April 30th

Registration payment deadline May 30th

1.1. Registration fees
SEBBM members€175

The registration fee includes:

  • Access to the Scientific Programme.
  • Congress Material
  • Presentation of a poster, prior approval by the scientific committee.
  • Picnic lunches.
  • Conference dinner.
1.2. Pay:

Make a transfer to the account listed below. In the concept you must indicate your «name and surname – Severo Ochoa Conference». Your registration space will not be confirmed until payment is received.

Account holderSpanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
IBANES20 0049 5817 8628 1022 5149
EntityBank Santander

2. Abstract Submission

Please, follow the template provided as an example and this guidelines:

  • Use Times New Roman 12 pt
  • Title should be in bold
  • The first author should be the presenting author
  • Indicate affiliations using superscript numbers
  • Abstract main body: please, keep the length to about 200 words
  • An acknowledgment section may be added
  • References section may be added and references listed by numbers
Download abstract template