PhD Student in Image Analysis

Predoctorales / Beca
Hasta el 28/02/2023
Descripción de la oferta

The “Laboratory for Numerical Methods of Cryo Electron Tomography” is committed to the development of new computational approaches for the automated analysis and interpretation of three-dimensional images of cells and tissues. The thesis project will focus on the application of Deep Learning methodologies to locate and structurally characterize small proteins in their physiological environment. To this, we will implement state-of-the-art Image Processing techniques into our in-house software package Dynamo.

Perfil buscado

Ideal candidates must hold an official Master degree in Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering or similar, and have solid coding skills in at least one of this list: C++, Matlab, CUDA and Python. An interest in carrying research in Life Sciences is assumed.

Presentación de solicitudes

For informal questions, please contact Applications should be addressed through the Biofisika website contact page (, adding the following subject: [Job Application: 104_ImageAnalysis]. It is recommended that applications are made as soon as possible as they will be considered upon arrival. Applications in a single pdf file must include:

  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • A motivation letter.
  • Two reference letters or contact email of referees.