PhD student

Veterinary School, Dept. of Biochemistry - Univ. Complutense of Madrid
Candidatos / Predoctorales / Contrato
Del 25/10/2024 al 15/11/2024
Descripción de la oferta

I am looking for a motivated PhD student interested in working on a project based on a pioneering technique that allows the purification and identification of newly synthesized proteins from specific cell types. We are applying this technique to study how aggregates are involved in neurodegenerative diseases that differentially affect specific brain cell-types, such as excitatory and inhibitory neurons or glia. The proteins will be labeled in vivo, purified and identified by Mass Spectrometry. We expect to find proteins or pathways involved in the toxicity elicited by aggregates, which are a common hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases.

Related literature:

Perfil buscado

To obtain an independent founding the candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree in a biology-related discipline with marks equal to or superior to 8.5 on a scale of 10 (CVs not including marks will be discarded) plus a Master’s degree. Having an official degree in any language of the EU different to the mother tongue, animal care accreditation, and R-programming knowledge will be positively valued. I will support the candidate for 12 months while the independent funding is granted. The student will learn a wide variety of biochemical techniques, data analysis, primary neuronal cultures and mouse husbandry.

Presentación de solicitudes

Beatriz Álvarez PhD.
Veterinary School, Dept. of Biochemistry/Univ. Complutense of Madrid.
Av Puerta de Hierro s/n 28040 Madrid, Spain.