Juan de la Cierva open call – Impact of plastic in mitochondrial metabolism

Candidatos / Postdoctorales / Contrato
Hasta el 30/01/2023
2 años
Descripción de la oferta

Our group is looking for a postdoctoral fellow to apply for the Juan de la Cierva Spanish open call, for a two-years postdoctoral contract. The contract will start in the next fall/end of the year. The deadline for application is January 30th, 2023.

We aim at studying the effects of a specific plastic, polyethylene (PE), on mammalian cells and, in particular on mitochondrial activity, given this organelle reflects the homeostatic state of the cell and its viability. For this, different cell types will be exposed to plastic particles and their homeostasis analyzed, together with the analysis of different mitochondrial parameters. We have recently participated in a study that shows that the bee-wax worm Galleria melonella has a bunch of proteins able to degrade PE [5]. Molecular characterization and potential applications of G. melonella proteins in modulating the plastic impact in cells and mitochondria will also be considered. Our group is centered in Structural Biology of Mitochondrial proteins, and the cellular studies will be done in collaboration with the mitochondria-expert Marc Liesa, also from the Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona (please find us at www.ibmb.csic.es).

Perfil buscado

Candidates should have obtained their PhD between 1st of January 2021 and 31st of December 2022 and, preferably, have experience in cellular, structural and molecular biology.

Presentación de solicitudes

Interested doctors should send as soon as possible, and before 30 of January, a CV to: maria.sola@ibmb.csic.es.