Contrato predoctoral en senescencia celular

Biología del Cáncer - Instituto Investigaciones Biomédicas Sols-Morreale CSIC-UAM
Candidatos / Predoctorales / Contrato
Del 10/01/2024 al 15/02/2024
Descripción de la oferta

We are looking for motivated candidates interested in pursuing a PhD project on Cellular Senescence and Plasticity in Physiology and Disease in our laboratory at the Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas “Sols-Morreale” CSIC-UAM in Madrid, Spain.

The general interest of our group is to characterize the basic mechanisms of cellular senescence in order to understand its role in physiology and disease, including cancer and development, and to explore its potential manipulation for therapeutic purposes. To this end, our lab uses a combination of experimental approaches, including the use of animal models, senescence cellular models and transcriptomic analyses.

We offer a funded PhD position (contract linked to Spanish National AEI project). The selected
candidate is expected to start in March – April 2024.

Perfil buscado

Candidates should have:
Master degree in Biological/Biomedical Sciences
Competitive academic record.
Interest in cellular senescence and its implications in physiology and disease.
Good spoken and written English skills.
Teamwork skills, motivation and curiosity.
Previous experience in cell culture, molecular biology, animal models or transcriptomic analysis will be valued.
We offer a funded PhD position (contract linked to Spanish National AEI project). The selected candidate is expected to start in March – April 2024.

Presentación de solicitudes

Those interested in this position, please contact by e-mail at including:

Motivation letter
CV with academic record
3 contacts for references

Deadline to apply: 15 February 2024