4-year pre-doctoral contract to join IDECAM’s group, at CEU Cardenal Herrera University (Valencia, Spain)

Predoctorales / Beca
Del 25/09/2024 al 10/10/2024
4 years
Descripción de la oferta

The Research Group on Cardiorenal and Metabolic Diseases (IDECAM), led by Professors Dr. Luis D’Marco and Dr. Ana Checa-Ros, is actively seeking a highly motivated and talented graduate student to join the team. The candidate will work on the clinical project titled “Morphological and Biochemical Changes in Adiposopathy Parameters in Patients with Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease.”
Adipose tissue (AT), commonly known as body fat, is primarily responsible for energy storage but also plays a critical role in transmitting hormonal signals throughout the body. Excess AT can lead to chronic inflammation and a range of metabolic disorders, including heart and liver dysfunction. Based on current knowledge of the molecular connections between AT and other organs, researchers hypothesize that disruptions in biochemical signalling and proteomic changes may contribute to chronic kidney disease (CKD).
The research aims to clarify the molecular basis of communication between AT, heart and kidneys to identify factors influencing CKD progression or onset. In this context, the candidate will adopt an adipocentric approach to studying renal and cardiovascular functions and how these interactions change. The candidate will analyze biochemical and -omics signals to identify markers that link adiposopathy with renal risk. The PhD student will also participate in collaborations with national and international groups, including Aston University (UK), the University of Alberta (Canada), and Universidad Simón Bolívar (Colombia), with opportunities for short-term scientific training abroad.

Perfil buscado

The candidate will apply for the “Ayudas Fundación Ramón Areces para la Realización de Tesis Doctorales en Ciencias de la Vida y de la Materia, 2024” (https://www.fundacionareces.es/fundacionareces/es/convocatorias/ayudas-fundacion-ramon-areces-para-la-realizacion-de-tesis-doctorales-en-ciencias-de-la-vida-y-de-la-materia-2024.html) . Specific requirements include:
• A Life Sciences-related Bachelor’s degree of at least 240 ECTS, preferably obtained between 2020 and 2024, and a Master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences or a related field.
• An academic average grade > 7.5 over 10.
• Commitment to enrolling in the academic PhD program at the CEINDO Doctorate School, particularly in the Translational Medicine Program (https://www.escueladoctorado.ceu.es/programa-doctorado/medicina-traslacional/).
• Prior experience in proteomic (ELISA) and/or transcriptomic (qRT-PCR) techniques, as well as familiarity with statistical programs such as SPSS or GraphPad, will be considered a plus.
Further information about our group and publications at: https://www.uchceu.es/grupos-lineas-investigacion/investigacion-de-enfermedades-cardiorenales-y-metabolicas-idecam
Luis D’Marco: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0148-891X
Ana Checa-Ros: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8958-6711

Presentación de solicitudes

Interested candidates, should send a CV, contact information of 2 references and cover letter to Dr D’Marco (luis.dmarcogascon@uchceu.es ) or Dr Checa-Ros (ana.checaros@uchceu.es) before Oct 10, 2024.