10 Doctoral Candidate Positions, Horizon Europe MSCA-DN NO-CANCER NET, CÚRAM, SFI Centre for Medical Devices and Lambe Institute for Translational Research, Ref. No. (University of Galway 001-24)

SFI Centre for Medical Devices and Lambe Institute for Translational Research - University of Galway 001-24
Candidatos / Predoctorales / Contrato
Del 15/02/2024 al 29/02/2024
Descripción de la oferta

Applications are invited from suitably qualified doctoral candidates for 10 doctoral candidate positions to pursue PhD education as part of NO-CANCER-NET. Two candidates will be located at the SFI Centre for Research in Medical Devices (CÚRAM) and Lambe Institute for Translational Research University of Galway, Ireland, and 8 candidates at our partner beneficiaries as listed below.

The positions are available for a 36-month period at 1.0 FTE and are funded through Horizon Europe MSCA DN grant number 101119873.

Presentación de solicitudes

I’m delighted to let you know that the Doctoral positions are now advertised on EURAXESS https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/184933. Closing date is Feb 29th. I will extract applications from the Google Forms around Jan 30th, Feb 15 and March 1st so we monitor progress. I will also push this out now on social media.