Datos del evento
Praia Porto Novo, Vimeiro (Portugal)
Will be held just ahead of and in conjunction with the joint 25th IUBMB, 46th FEBS and 15th PABMB Congress.
The participants will be able to present and discuss their research and benefit from other activities at the YSF, before moving on to also experience the IUBMB–FEBS–PABMB Congress in Lisbon.
The scientific programme and the social events of the YSF 2022 will allow you to develop your scientific knowledge and skills and provide a rewarding personal experience, including sharing ideas with fellow participants and broadening your professional network.
We hope you will join us and enjoy the experience in Vimeiro. We are looking forward to sharing our warm weather with you!
- NOV 1: YSF/Congress registration and abstract submission opening (TBC)
- DEC 15: YSF application deadline: December 15, 2021
- FEB 10: Notifications of YSF award winners (TBC)
Ana Salomé Veiga (Co-Chair) and Marco Domingues (Co-Chair) YSF 2022 Organizing Committee contact: ysf@2022congress.febs-iubmb-pabmb.org