Datos del evento

Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
Dear colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the 63rd edition of the International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids (ICBL) that will be held in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) between the 2nd-5th of October 2023.
The theme of this year’s conference will be Advances in Lipid Research: from bench to bedside.
These are indeed special moments for lipid researchers. We are all experiencing, day by day, how rapidly the field is evolving. The solid advances in lipidome analysis, together with the irruption of spatially resolved techniques, have led us to astonishing lipid landscapes with high complexity in shape, composition, and, consequently, function. But, how is this diversity regulated during homeostasis? How much can they tell us about pathologies? How might a reprogramming in lipid metabolism affect the development and progression of a disease or the response to treatments? We are facing all these new fascinating questions while many fundamental issues remain unanswered, such as understanding how lipid metabolism is specifically regulated to generate such diversity.
The program proposed herein aims to offer the ideal scenario to discuss hand in hand with basic, translational, and clinical lipid researchers the advances in the field but, more importantly, the new opportunities and the current limitations. We will encourage researcher-student interactions by organizing «Meet the Expert» sessions at lunch. Early career researchers submitting the most original contributions will be selected for oral presentations and awards will be given to the best posters.
Last but not least, on Monday Oct 2nd we will start off with a symposium on Spatially Resolved Omics Techniques, while the last ICBL session will be a Joint Session, Lipids & Cancer, with the III International Workshop on Translational Cancer Research, to which ICBL attendees are invited to attend.
All the events will take place at the Auditòrium de Palma, located at the bay of the city, giving us the best excuse to enjoy long walks along the seafront while we share our impressions of the meeting/talks.
We hope that you will join us in this international celebration of the Bioscience of Lipids in Palma.
Your local organizing committee,
Dr. Gwendolyn Barceló-Coblijn
Dr Patricia Aspichueta (CIBEREHD)
Dr. Jesus Balsinde
Dr. Mario Diaz
Dr. Gemma Fabriás
Dr. Mariona Jové
Dr. Reinald Pamplona