Throughout my research career, I have been dedicated to studying liver disease metabolism. As a young research student, at the CNC, Coimbra, Portugal, I developed novel methodologies using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging to assess hepatic metabolic flux derangements in hepatic Insulin Resistance and diabetes. As a post-doc, I moved to the University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA, where I focused on the study of metabolic changes associated with nutrient-mediated regulation of genes and the role played by anti-diabetic drugs in regulating liver lipid metabolism fluxes in response to insulin signaling. In 2013, I was incorporated in the CIC bioGUNE, Spain, where I was dedicated to studying novel mechanisms involved in liver disease, such as ubiquitin-like proteins-mediated post-translational modifications and epigenetic modulators. Since October 2022, I have been a Ramón and Cajal Researcher and Ikerbasque Research Associate taking the early steps of my independent research line at the IIS BioBizkaia. Here, the Congenital Metabolic Disorders group combines a clinical branch and a basic-based research line where I am responsible for the Liver Metabolic Disorders Laboratory. This synergy constitutes the perfect surrounding environment for my translational research focusing on the metabolic reprogramming underlying Inherited Metabolic Disorders and non-communicable liver disease, such as metabolic-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) and MASLD-related liver cancer. I am particularly interested in the role of dysfunctional mitochondria bioenergetic fluxes in chronic liver disease and related comorbidities.
Perfil del socio/a
Teresa Cardoso Delgado
IIS Biobizkaia
Nº socio: 08561
Cónsul de la SEBBM en Bizkaia
IIS Biobizkaia
Laboratorio de enfermedades hepáticas metabólicas
Cruces Plaza, 48903, Barakaldo, Bizkaia
0034 946 007 757